Telephony Voice Over - Phone Systems, IVR, and Voicemail
In phone systems, a special type of voice is used called "telephony voice over." It's important because it helps people know what to do when they call a company or organization.
When you call a place and hear a recorded message telling you to press a number for a specific department or leave a voicemail, that's telephony voice over.
There are three important parts of phone systems that use telephony voice over: IVR systems, voicemail, and hold messaging.
IVR systems are like a menu where you choose what you want to do, voicemail is a message someone leaves you when you can't answer the phone, and hold messaging is the message you hear while waiting for someone to answer.

Anthony Pica
Telephony Demo
It's really important for phone systems to use a professional voice actor because it sounds more clear and professional. When you hear a professional voice, it makes you feel like the company or organization is trustworthy and knows what they're doing.
That's why it's so important for phone systems to use telephony voice over with a professional voice!

Emily Christine
Telephony Demo

CJ Brown
Telephony Demo
Trust by:

Tia Beverly
Telephony Demo
Voice Over Services
Voice over services are recordings of people speaking that are used in different ways, like in phone systems.
Telephony voice over is a type of voice over service that's used specifically for phone systems.
- Different Types
There are different types of voice over services that are used in phone systems, like IVR, voicemail, and hold messaging.
IVR is like a menu where you choose what you want to do, voicemail is a message someone leaves you when you can't answer the phone, and hold messaging is the message you hear while waiting for someone to answer.
- Services
Each of these uses voice over services to speak to the person on the other end of the phone.
It's really important for phone systems to use professional voice actors for their voice over services.
Professional voice actors have special training and skills that help them speak in a way that's clear and easy to understand. When you hear a professional voice, it makes you feel like the company or organization is trustworthy and knows what they're doing.
So, using professional voice actors for phone systems is really important!

Angela Ohlfest
Telephony Demo

Storm Watters
Telephony Demo
IVR Systems
IVR systems are like a menu that you hear when you call a company or organization. It's a recording of someone speaking that gives you different options to choose from.
For example, you might hear "Press 1 for customer service, press 2 for sales, press 3 for technical support."
The purpose of IVR systems is to make it easy for people to get the help they need quickly. Instead of waiting on hold for a long time, IVR systems let you choose the right department or service you need right away.
Having a professional IVR voice is really important because it makes the IVR system sound more clear and easy to understand. A professional voice actor can speak in a way that's easy to follow and makes you feel like the company or organization is trustworthy.
When choosing the right IVR voice talent, it's important to consider things like their tone of voice, accent, and the type of message they're delivering. You want to choose someone who speaks in a way that matches the tone and style of your company or organization. By choosing the right IVR voice talent, you can make sure that your IVR system sounds professional and easy to use.
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Chris McGinnis
Telephony Demo
Hold Messaging
Hold messaging is the message you hear while waiting on the phone for someone to answer. It's really important because it helps keep people on the line instead of hanging up. Hold messaging can include things like music, advertisements, or messages that keep the caller informed about the company or organization.
Using a professional hold messaging voice is really important because it makes the hold messaging sound more professional and interesting. A professional voice actor can speak in a way that's engaging and keeps the caller interested while they're waiting on hold.
When choosing the right hold messaging voice talent, it's important to consider things like their tone of voice, the type of message they'll be delivering, and how engaging they sound. You want to choose someone who can make the caller feel like their time on hold is worth it.
If you're looking for a professional hold messaging voice, you can get this service from Academy Voices Talent Agency. We have a variety of voice actors to choose from, and we can help you find the right voice talent for your hold messaging needs.
By choosing the right hold messaging voice talent, you can make sure that your hold messaging is engaging and professional.
Voice Over Artists
Voice over artists are people who specialize in speaking in a way that's clear and engaging. They're really important for telephony voice over because they help make phone systems sound professional and easy to understand.
There are different types of voice over artists, like announcers, narrators, and characters. Announcers speak in a clear and straightforward way, like when you hear someone announcing the news on TV. Narrators tell a story in a way that's engaging and interesting, like when you hear someone reading a book out loud. Characters use their voice to bring a fictional character to life, like when you hear someone doing the voice of a cartoon character.
Choosing the right voice over artist for your phone system is really important because it helps make your phone system sound more engaging and trustworthy.
You want to choose someone who speaks in a way that matches the tone and style of your company or organization. By choosing the right voice over artist, you can make sure that your phone system sounds professional and easy to use.
Final Thoughts
Telephony voice over is really important for phone systems because it helps make them sound more professional and easy to use. By using voice over services like IVR systems, voicemail, and hold messaging, you can help make sure that people get the help they need quickly and efficiently.
Using professional voice actors for phone systems is also really important because it helps make the phone system sound more engaging and trustworthy. By choosing the right voice over artist for your phone system, you can make sure that it sounds professional and matches the tone and style of your company or organization.
When choosing the right phone system voice talent, it's important to consider things like their tone of voice, the type of message they'll be delivering, and how engaging they sound. You want to choose someone who can make the phone system sound professional and keep people interested in what they're hearing.
In conclusion, if you're looking to improve your phone system, using telephony voice over services and professional voice actors is a great way to make sure that your phone system sounds professional and easy to use.
With the right phone system voice talent, you can make sure that your phone system is engaging and trustworthy, which can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Consider getting voice over services from Academy Voices Talent Agency, who has a variety of voice actors to choose from.
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